UX Researcher
Paperless E-Signing Tool

Sign your life insurance documents paperless
Admin can become tiresome with printing, signing and scanning the endless stacks of paper. To enhance the sales advisor journey, a digital e-signing tool was created. This allowed advisors to download or complete an e-sign form quickly and efficiently.
My role
UX & UI Designer
Project Objective
The paperless tool had good traction with advisors but needed usability enhancements as they still found it difficult to use. This resulted in them going back to paper-based forms. Updates were required to encourage advisors to use to tool so as to have the most up-to-date forms and complete the sales process faster.
Find or add your client from the landing page
When given the option between paper-based and e-forms, advisors would select what they know (paper) due to their hesitant familiarity with out-dated software.
By making the ‘e-form’ tab the landing page option with ‘quick client search’ encouraged them to transition over to paperless.


Faster visual flow
Advisor details rarely changed and didn’t need to take up real estate or focal point - so this became a hidden expandable card.

When entering in details, they would get confused with the first name fields on the second column, so we stacked them vertically for faster visual flow and indented the second names.

Easily scan document status
With the varied clashing colours and full-screen table, it became hard to focus or scan. We removed unnecessary table fields and reduced the container size. Colour was added for the statuses and icon buttons were replaced with easy to understand text buttons.
The top, side and bottom navigation became confusing as advisors would easily miss the bottom nav to proceed. We simplified this to a side nav and improved the IA.


Toggle between documents to e-Sign
Bulk sign documents without having to leave the e-Sign view whereas previously, each document had to be signed individually.
Complete an e-Form without printing
To keep the quality of Financial Advisor’s record of advice consistent, a digital form was added. This was the first of the many paper-based forms to transition fully over to the web-tool.